Exhibition in Portugal !
I am so excited of the opportunity of having an exhibition at Biester Palace, Sintra, Portugal from August 19th to September 22nd. Thanks to Carolina at Luka Art Gallery for giving me this chance to exhibit my works and meet some of my audience. The
I won 1st prize of the International Photography Competition by FMoPA!
Woohoo! This photo called "Moon from a plane" won the 1st prize in the 2023 International Photography Competition by FMoPA - Florida Museum Of Photographic Arts. Of 2349 submissions my picture won 1st prize in the "Plane/Air Travel" category. The picture will be displayed at
One to watch 2023!
The team over at Artfinder.com have selected me as one of 16 emerging artists to "watch 2023" - so cool ! Check it out here
Frontcover of the Capitel Magazine
The Capitel Magazine, of the Humanitas University in Mexico picked one of my works as cover of their lates issue about motivation- you can read it here
Digital exhibition at Luka Gallery in Lisbon, Portugal
I am glad to be part of Luka Gallerys digital exhibition with 49 artists from 27 countries - starting november 22nd - click here for my portfolio there Luka is current, contemporary, connected to a new world that is much more interactive and dynamic,
Premiere for my first podcast ( In Swedish)
In cooperation with www.fotosidan.se and sfoto.se ( Swedish photographers association) I have done a podcast about how I managed to convert my Instagram to a profitable business.. It is in Swedish and you can find it on Spotify, Google etc or by clicking here
My works in a photobook about minimalism
Some of my aerial works have been selected to be included in an amazing photo book called "Minimalism in Photography" that have gathered some of the best minimalistic photographers out there, so I am both glad and proud to be one of them! The book
Do you think really BIG ?
Some of my works are now avaliable for order in LARGE sizes...up to 60x90 inch / 72x72 inch ( 180x228 cm / 182x182 cm) so cool to see them in these large sizes ! Visit Bigwalldecor.com to order