Om marcus.cederberg

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Hittills har marcus.cederberg skapat 56 blogginlägg för.

Feel the need to update your home after the summer?

Are you just back from your vacation and it feels somewhat grey and gloomy, do you think your home needs something new and fresh ? Why not update your walls with some calming new minimalistic photo art! Here are some advices:   Think in series - put not only one single artwork on your wall, put severals! Think either in pairs or in series of

Feel the need to update your home after the summer?2021-08-17T14:46:23+00:00

Participate in a minimal photo book

I´m proud to be one of 30 photographers from 22 countries that participate in "Less is more" a minimalistic photo book published by Almalusa Publishing. 184 pages plus covers. 6 of my works included. Only 35 EUR plus shipping ( 8 EUR for Europe and 11 EUR for rest of the world) DEADLINE June 25th. Contact me at to get your own copy!  

Participate in a minimal photo book2021-06-18T11:52:01+00:00

Most liked picture ever

Last year I was a guest host for a week over at the Instagram for the Swedish Photography museum - Fotografiska - who are situated in Stockholm, New York and Tallin. It was the second time I hosted there and it was so much fun gaining all that attention and appreciations for my works. Not only did 5 of my photos get into the top

Most liked picture ever2021-05-26T09:05:55+00:00

Mini exhibition in Hong Kong

A selection of my black and white works are exhibited at Sammis Coffee in Hong Kong until the end of December. If you are in the neighborhood - check it out!  Wanson House, 117&121 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan Market Street, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong    

Mini exhibition in Hong Kong2021-05-17T11:26:42+00:00

Design prize from Swedish Design Association

Last night I was appointed as the "Formbärare of 2020" in the mid Sweden region ( Örebro län) among 14 other spread all over Sweden when the Swedish Design Association "Svensk Form" celebrated their 175:th birthday. Happy birthday to you guys! It was such a nice evening, the event was broadcasted live at Youtube - click here for video - and was also highlighted in

Design prize from Swedish Design Association2021-05-17T11:27:01+00:00
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