Are you just back from your vacation and it feels somewhat grey and gloomy, do you think your home needs something new and fresh ? Why not update your walls with some calming new minimalistic photo art!

Here are some advices:


  1. Think in series – put not only one single artwork on your wall, put severals! Think either in pairs or in series of 3-5 to create a living, color matching experience.
  2. Think various sizes – increase the size of your absolute favorites and decrease the other ones to make an effectful palette of various sizes and styles.
  3. Think of lightning – will your artworks be hanging in the dark when the dark winter is coming ? Do they hang in natural light or do you need to boost the lightning with spotlights or some other directed light. ( Don’t use indirect light like roof of floor lights to light up your artwork – they deserve better ! Use spotlights or special lightning for frames to really make your wallart to pop!

Check out my various vendors all over the world here to find your personal favorite !