Exhibition in Copenhagen, Denmark

I´m both glad, proud and excited for the opportunity to have a solo exhibition at the Bien Contemporary Gallery in central Copenhagen, Denmark  at Vester Voldgade 8 ( just around the corner from the Rådhus area) - The exhibition will content a selected amount of my works and it will be open from the 12th of december (at 3 pm) until february 12 2022. Check

Exhibition in Copenhagen, Denmark2021-12-10T09:32:05+00:00

Participate in a minimal photo book

I´m proud to be one of 30 photographers from 22 countries that participate in "Less is more" a minimalistic photo book published by Almalusa Publishing. 184 pages plus covers. 6 of my works included. Only 35 EUR plus shipping ( 8 EUR for Europe and 11 EUR for rest of the world) DEADLINE June 25th. Contact me at marcuscederberg@icloud.com to get your own copy!  

Participate in a minimal photo book2021-06-18T11:52:01+00:00

Most liked picture ever

Last year I was a guest host for a week over at the Instagram for the Swedish Photography museum - Fotografiska - who are situated in Stockholm, New York and Tallin. It was the second time I hosted there and it was so much fun gaining all that attention and appreciations for my works. Not only did 5 of my photos get into the top

Most liked picture ever2021-05-26T09:05:55+00:00
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