Om marcus.cederberg

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Hittills har marcus.cederberg skapat 54 blogginlägg för.

Photoville 2016

It´s such a cool feeling to see your pictures not only in print but also hanging in New Yorks largest foto exhibition - It's a modular venue built from re-purposed shipping containers, with over 70.000 visitors during 4 days. How cool is that ! Immersion and interactivity are at the heart of what makes Photoville such a successful and popular event, allowing it to

Photoville 20162021-05-05T14:59:41+00:00

Drone time !

I bought myself a drone. I´ve been thinking of it for quite a while and now it really happened. I haven't been able to fly it that much yet but it´s so fun! Read more about my aerial experience by clicking HERE.

Drone time !2021-05-05T15:07:15+00:00
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