Om marcus.cederberg

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Hittills har marcus.cederberg skapat 56 blogginlägg för.

Group exhibition about the pandemic

My picture Parking Alone is exhibited together with 150 other photographers from 6 continents  with the theme "Pictures of the pandemic" at Träslottet in Arbrå, Sweden. The exhibition is open all summer long.   You can find their official video here ( my picture 2:17 into the video) :     

Group exhibition about the pandemic2021-05-05T11:47:51+00:00

Selected pictures for sale at Fotografiska

Jag är otroligt glad och stolt över att ingå en fin samling fantastiskt duktiga fotografer i Fotografiskas Edition-serie där några av mina bilder finns till försäljning  I am so proud and happy over to be among a selection of great photograpers over at the Swedish Photography Museum - Fotografiska  and their Edition collection. You can get more information about me and purchase your own high

Selected pictures for sale at Fotografiska2021-05-05T12:46:47+00:00

Exhibition in Örebro,Sweden

I´m all excited about having my first exhibition over at the Black Door Gallery in my hometown of Örebro, the pics will be hanging over the weekend of 16-17 of september, the vernissage will be on Friday the 15th between 5 pm and 8 pm - welcome!

Exhibition in Örebro,Sweden2021-05-05T12:50:54+00:00
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